Second Wave

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Second Wave is a free-to-play online multiplayer hero-based shooter MOBA set in the world of Armantia. Over the years, wars have been fought over a unique resource that has helped the continent advance in both Science and Technology: The Arcane Stone. Throughout these years, certain characters have risen to prominence, either as Heroes or Exiles, fighting a second generation war for the Arcane Stone. Learn the history of Armantia and its destructive past, and take matters into your own hands through various game modes to unlock the hidden mystery behind The Arcane Stone.


Over the years, wars have been fought over a unique resource that has helped the continent advance in both Science and Technology: The Arcane Stone. Throughout these years, certain characters have risen to prominence, either as Heroes or Exiles, fighting a second generation war for the Arcane Stone. Learn the history of Armantia and its destructive past, and take matters into your own hands through various game modes to unlock the hidden mystery behind The Arcane Stone.

Releasedatum N/A
Uitgever Challengers Games
Spelmodi Multiplayer, Coöperatie
Speler Perspectieven Eerste persoon, Derde persoon
Genres Shooter, Arcade, MOBA
Thema's Actie, Fantasie
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows), Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S