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In Grounded worden spelers verkleind tot de grootte van een mier en krijgen ze de taak om te overleven in de unieke microwereld van een tuin in een buitenwijk. Spelers moeten bases verzamelen, knutselen en bouwen met alledaagse voorwerpen die in de tuin te vinden zijn, levensreddende grondstoffen zoeken en samenleven met reusachtige, vreedzame insecten terwijl ze vechten om te overleven met massale vijandige bewoners.

Grounded biedt een mix van omgevings- en verhaalgedreven verhaalvertelling. Het spel speelt zich af in een veelzijdige, handgemaakte sandbox-structuur en stelt spelers in staat om hun eigen ervaring vanaf de grond op te bouwen. Taken die op mensenmaat nog benaderbaar lijken, worden een uitdaging in dit gevaarlijke achtertuinlandschap. Deze vertrouwde maar fantastische wereld kan solo worden doorkruist of in coöperatieve multiplayer voor vier personen, waarin spelers samenwerken om missies te voltooien of de ingewikkeld gedetailleerde wereld te verkennen.

Grounded Activering Instructies

Grounded Beoordelingen

Review by DualShockers
12 augustus 2020

If you ask me, Grounded could be much more successful than it is if Obsidian would have launched it a few months later. It’s really important to hook your audience in the first few hours of gameplay, and Grounded could’ve done it much better if it had more to do at the start. That said, the game still has its strong advantages that keep you engaged with its world.

Review by IGN
7 augustus 2020

Grounded has a lot going for it. It’s a really inventive setting, with some pitch-perfect opportunities for the team to deliver on “the Obsidian side” of its initial pitch in the future. Currently, however, it feels a bit sparse in terms of both available content and quality-of-life considerations. And while I really hope that Grounded grows and blossoms into the truly special adventure it could become, it’s still got a few yards to go.

Review by IGN
7 augustus 2020

Grounded has a lot going for it. It’s a really inventive setting, with some pitch-perfect opportunities for the team to deliver on “the Obsidian side” of its initial pitch in the future. Currently, however, it feels a bit sparse in terms of both available content and quality-of-life considerations. And while I really hope that Grounded grows and blossoms into the truly special adventure it could become, it’s still got a few yards to go.

Review by GameSpot
2 augustus 2020

Grounded has the foundation needed to turn into a great survival game, but it has a long way to go yet. The titular term comes from aviation--when a pilot finds themselves, for whatever reason, unable to fly, they are Grounded. It's a pretty apt name for the current state of Obsidian's foray into the co-op survival genre. But like a balsa wood airplane, Grounded sits at the outstretched tension point of a strong rubber band. It is pure, unadulterated potential energy, and all we can do is sit back and wait to see if that rubber band snaps or if the game achieves take off. I think it's gonna fly.

Review by GameSpot
2 augustus 2020

Grounded has the foundation needed to turn into a great survival game, but it has a long way to go yet. The titular term comes from aviation--when a pilot finds themselves, for whatever reason, unable to fly, they are Grounded. It's a pretty apt name for the current state of Obsidian's foray into the co-op survival genre. But like a balsa wood airplane, Grounded sits at the outstretched tension point of a strong rubber band. It is pure, unadulterated potential energy, and all we can do is sit back and wait to see if that rubber band snaps or if the game achieves take off. I think it's gonna fly.

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Releasedatum 28 juli 2020
Uitgever Xbox Game Studios, Obsidian Entertainment
Geschatte inhoud T (Teen)
Spelmodi Coöperatie, Multiplayer, Eén speler
Speler Perspectieven Eerste persoon, Derde persoon
Genres Avontuur, Rollenspel (RPG)
Thema's Actie, Overleven
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5