Warhammer 40,000: Storm of Vengeance

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Warhammer 40,000: Storm of Vengeance is a lane strategy game for PC and mobile devices set in the dark, gothic universe of Warhammer 40,000.

Warhammer 40,000: Storm of Vengeance tells the story of a pivotal moment in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, during the legendary planetary conflict on Piscina IV. Featuring two of Games Workshop's most cherished characters, Grand Master Belial and Ork Warlord Ghazghkull Thraka, Storm of Vengeance offers the player the chance to command the tenacious defence of the planet with only 100 Dark Angel Space Marines, or attempt it’s annihilation using the cunning of the Ork Waaagh! and their telly-porta technology.

Releasedatum April 3, 2014
Uitgever Eutechnyx
Spelmodi Eén speler, Multiplayer
Speler Perspectieven Vogelvlucht
Genres Strategie, Real-time strategie (RTS)
Thema's Science fiction
Platforms Android, PC (Microsoft Windows), iOS