Toad on Fire

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Toad On Fire is a fast-paced, action-adventure shooter, with some RPG and puzzle elements sprinkled in. You play as Smokey, a toad armed with a flamethrower, and take the offensive against an invading force of hostile frogs.

Progress through 25+ levels of varying types, ranging from pure action to puzzle-based to boss battles. The flamethrower is your primary weapon, which can be utilized in many ways, for both attack and movement -- dispatch enemies with volleys of fireballs, or charge up a burst-shot that rockets you forward as a blazing toad-missile of death! Collect loot to purchase upgrades.

Whimsical tone. Anthropomorphic characters. Saucy antagonist. Lots of destruction, explosions, power-ups and secret areas. Boss battles. Controller support. Oh my!


Frogs, the once-established nemesis exiled to space long ago, suddenly arrived out-of-nowhere, beaming down to the surface in waves and seizing the lands of amphibian communities and home to the eponymous toad. Fortunately, you take control moments before the chaos, arming him with a nearby flamethrower kept for seasonal work. Soon proving to be an effective weapon, Smokey takes on an objective to find and disable the teleport beacons that the frogs are using for beaming directly into the surrounding area.

Toad on Fire Activering Instructies

Releasedatum 25 December 2021
Uitgever Delta Code
Spelmodi Eén speler
Speler Perspectieven Vogelperspectief / Isometrisch
Genres Avontuur, Shooter, Indie, Arcade
Thema's Actie, Comedy
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows)