The Forest

Ken je iemand die dit spel leuk zou vinden?


Als de enige overlevende van een passagiersvliegtuig crash, vind je jezelf in een mysterieus bos vechtend om in leven te blijven tegen een samenleving van kannibalistische mutanten.
Bouw, verken en overleef in deze angstaanjagende first person survival horror simulator.


Het spel begint met de speler Eric Leblanc die in een vliegtuig zit met zijn zoon Timmy Leblanc wanneer het vliegtuig op mysterieuze wijze neerstort op een afgelegen eiland. De speler en zijn zoon overleven de crash, maar de speler ziet hulpeloos toe hoe zijn zoon wordt ontvoerd door een man met rode oorlogsverf. Naast zijn pogingen om te overleven in de wildernis en het afweren van vijandige wilde dieren en wilde, kannibalistische mutanten, gaat de speler op zoek naar zijn zoon op het schiereiland. Het bos laat aanwijzingen achter om de speler te helpen het verhaal te ontrafelen, maar het grootste deel van het verhaal speelt zich af in de grotten die de onderkant van het schiereiland doorkruisen.

Uiteindelijk ontdekt de speler een verlaten ondergronds laboratoriumcomplex waar een artefact werd bestudeerd dat in staat is de doden weer tot leven te wekken, maar daarvoor moet wel een kind worden opgeofferd. De speler ontdekt dat de ontvoerder van plan was de zoon van de speler op te offeren om zijn dochter weer tot leven te wekken. De speler ontdekt echter dat de dochter is gemuteerd in een agressief, kannibalistisch monster, vergelijkbaar met de andere mutanten die op het schiereiland rondlopen. De speler confronteert het kind, dat zich vastgrijpt en verder muteert alvorens hem aan te vallen, wat leidt tot de dood van de dochter. De speler probeert dan het lichaam van de dochter te gebruiken om zijn zoon weer tot leven te wekken, maar het proces mislukt, omdat er een levend offer nodig is. De speler onderzoekt het lab verder en ontdekt een tweede artefact dat functioneert als een soort EMP apparaat dat in staat is vliegtuigen in de buurt neer te halen, wat impliceert dat het de oorzaak is van zijn eigen vliegtuigongeluk. De speler gebruikt het artefact dan om een ander vliegtuig te laten neerstorten, met de bedoeling een offer te vinden om zijn zoon te doen herleven.

Een jaar later zijn de speler en zijn zoon blijkbaar gered, en worden ze uitgenodigd in een talkshow om een boek te promoten dat de speler heeft geschreven en waarin hij zijn ervaringen beschrijft. Tijdens de show zakt de zoon van de speler echter in elkaar en krijgt een aanval, wat impliceert dat hij dezelfde mutatie ondergaat als de dochter.

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The Forest Beoordelingen

Review by Flaks [user]
12 april 2022

Relatively, I haven't played it much. But I enjoyed the game. It was scary to experience every night. But the games have problems andRelatively, I haven't played it much. But I enjoyed the game. It was scary to experience every night. But the games have problems and disadvantages. One of which is a small variety. The first days everything happens very quickly, but later everything abruptly becomes a routine and the game becomes very boring.

Review by GreenPufferFish [user]
12 januari 2021

Fun survival game best to do online since its a little unclear how to complete the game and being honest the ending is sort of like an easterFun survival game best to do online since its a little unclear how to complete the game and being honest the ending is sort of like an easter egg its a fun game to play online to go explore and build massive fortresses.

Review by Sky-Line___ [user]
30 juli 2020

Out of coop games during the lockdown, my friends and I decided to give The Forest a try. It turned out te be very worth it. The game has aOut of coop games during the lockdown, my friends and I decided to give The Forest a try. It turned out te be very worth it. The game has a great sense of detail, especially when it comes to sounds and the caves, of course, which are the most interesting part of the game. Graphically, despite not being the most beautiful game I’ve seen on PS4, it looks very good, especially in the caves with all the water and light reflections.What The Forest does that other games don’t is to make the player feel that he is really surviving. The need to build a camp is felt as from the first minutes of playing. And since nothing is Fedexed in this game (which is perfect because you don’t rely on anything but yourself exploring), we decided that the first thing we’d do was to build a camp with walls. It took a while because we made something that is large size, but that was not a problem since the need of everyone contributing was strongly felt.Another point on which the game excels is surprising the player. My first encounters with some enemies in the game was a shock and I was mind blown. Especially throughout the beginning of the game where the player is still getting acquainted with it, the sense of surprise is extremely present (reason why I love myself for not having done the mistakes to watch long videos of the game). After that, it is true that it might start feeling more repetitive.In what regards gameplay, I like the fact that most of the objects of the inventory have a unique purpose. Moreover, things are very intuitive to build, and the player gets used to crafting stuff very fast without any tutorial. Moreover, this might sound as something that should be a standard, but the coop works very well on the game. Everything is doable with 4 players and the sense of « living » together on that island is strongly present.Before I finish, I would also like to note some negative points of the game.- Lots of freezes.- Enemies spawning inside the walls you built for your camp.- Too many mobs spawning just next to our camp. It takes the vacant feel of the island away and really gets irritating after a while. We progressively started to consider them more as zombies than anything else.- Construction system has its limits when you build custom houses.- Map almost empty if it was not for the caves.- Hunger/thirst happen too often- Many questions are left on the context of the game, even after finishing it.All that said, the game remains extremely worth it and was a unique gaming experience. Intriguing, surprising and smart. I am excited for the second opus in development.

Review by Kelsonk [user]
7 juli 2020

Before, I didn't find the game attractive. But I was mistaken. You stay several hours even after the game is over. I recommend it to anyoneBefore, I didn't find the game attractive. But I was mistaken. You stay several hours even after the game is over. I recommend it to anyone who likes an open world and survival.

Review by winzentween [user]
31 maart 2019

Amazing !Seriously half the people including myself initially don't understand this game. Anyone who claims there isn't enough craftingAmazing !Seriously half the people including myself initially don't understand this game. Anyone who claims there isn't enough crafting is wrong , as after 55 days in im still finding cool stuff from a secret evil church to a full on glider. It's not minecraft but once you finish it you'll get that mode which is cool. Or the horde mode that's crazy. Because its not Ark it actually works and works well which means it's a scary horror story which has two endgames based on choices.The optimisation isn't great and there's a few glitches but nothing bad considering how much is going on.The music is none existent outside of musical tapes but the sound is terrifying ..truly scary.The gameplay is high mearning curve and finickity at times bur plenty of options.Lastability is months or years as every time you play its different with random starts and locations and new updates. No microtransactions at all.The combat isnt destiny but its brutal and fast with awesome weapons.Overall the attention to detail is spectacular with many stories told through the environment as much as the lore through collectibles.The multiplayer is a little buggy but amazing fun and an entirely different experience.So i'd say buy it as it's cheap and play it and dont give up.Use your second device as a game support tool as there are interactive map apps. And the wiki is cool though don't spoil many of the brilliant secrets and surprises.I've played games for 20 plus years on all formats and across every genre and i was amazed to find it is one of the best game experiences i've every played and beyond value for money. Give it a chance and you won't be disappointed.

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Releasedatum 30 april 2018
Uitgever Endnight Games Ltd
Geschatte inhoud M (Mature)
Spelmodi Coöperatie, Multiplayer, Eén speler
Speler Perspectieven Eerste persoon, Virtuele Realiteit
Genres Avontuur, Indie, Simulator, Puzzel
Thema's Actie, Horror, Overleven, Open wereld
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, SteamVR