Stellaris Nexus

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Stellaris Nexus is a turn-based multiplayer 4X game that respects your time, giving you the full spectrum of a thrilling, strategic 4X experience. Play as unique factions and leaders against up to 5 other players, plotting and battling your way to galactic dominance; all of it in about an hour.

Releasedatum December 13, 2023
Uitgever Whatboy Games, Paradox Arc
Spelmodi Eén speler, Multiplayer, Coöperatie
Speler Perspectieven Vogelperspectief / Isometrisch
Genres Rollenspel (RPG), Indie, Simulator, Strategie
Thema's Science fiction, 4X (verkennen, uitbreiden, exploiteren en uitroeien)
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows)