Ruin of the Reckless

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Ruin of the Reckless is a breakneck-paced, melee-focused roguelike brawler with very light persistent progression elements and a punishing difficulty curve. Play with a friend!

"Ruin of the Reckless is a 2D retro-styled, fast-paced roguelike brawler focusing on melee combat. With light progression elements and a challenging difficulty curve, players can choose Stargrove or Stella to fight their way through a mysterious randomly generated tower, home to the most reckless of spirits. Explore the nuances of twin stick brawler gameplay, experiment with your attacks, and unleash screen clearing spells that obliterate your opponents. Ruin of the Reckless is a highly replayable and challenging game where the more you risk, the more you gain – if you survive…"


"Since the beginning of time, or maybe longer, this place has been here. It is a beacon of sorts, attracting the souls of those who both lived and died with recklessness in their hearts.

Bound by some unknown force, these wayward spirits cannot leave.

And so they remain… With time their souls will rot. They will fade away and they will be forgotten.

But even here there is hope… a legend whispered among the ghosts and specters. That any spirit to reach the tower’s peak will be granted one wish…"

Releasedatum 26 April 2017
Uitgever Faux-Operative Games
Spelmodi Eén speler, Multiplayer, Coöperatie
Speler Perspectieven Vogelperspectief / Isometrisch
Genres Avontuur, Rollenspel (RPG), Indie
Thema's Actie, Fantasie
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows)