Ravaged: Zombie Apocalypse

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Ravaged Zombie Apocalypse bietet neue Karten und Modi, die mit einer wilden Auswahl superaggressiver Zombietypen gespickt sind. Das Ziel des Spielers ist es, die notwendigen Teile zu sammeln, um das Fluchtfahrzeug zu reparieren und aus den zombieverseuchten Gebieten zu verschwinden - oder bei dem Versuch zu sterben. Steigen Sie allein oder im Koop-Modus mit vier anderen Spielern als eine der fünf Widerstandsklassen ein. Sie haben nur ein einziges kostbares Leben zu leben und sind zu Beginn nur mit einem Brecheisen ausgerüstet, das einen Schädel knacken kann. Plündern Sie auf den Karten weitere Waffen und sammeln Sie Treibstoff, um die vielen verwüsteten Fahrzeuge zu benutzen.

Ravaged: Zombie Apocalypse Activering Instructies

Ravaged: Zombie Apocalypse Beoordelingen

Review by 08cwalton [user]
30. Mai 2014

the worst zombie game i have ever played dead island is better left 4 dead is better state of decay is betterDO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEYthethe worst zombie game i have ever played dead island is better left 4 dead is better state of decay is betterDO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEYthe gameplay is buggy sluggish if you like the game seems to have no meaning or any end goal and you seem to feel like you are killing zombies to kill the time it would have taken to buy another game

Review by rasLivity [user]
21. September 2013

hell yeah!! zombies and apocalypse :D well zombie mode made the game funnier and more interesting for me, and it gives MORE ACHIEVEMENTShell yeah!! zombies and apocalypse :D well zombie mode made the game funnier and more interesting for me, and it gives MORE ACHIEVEMENTS for a achievements junkie. BUT, it still acts like a BETA or something, at least not like a final version of a game should be.Sadly some achievements are also still bugged

Review by Seryin [user]
28. August 2013

Lets not fall for shady marketing tricks, because that is exactly what this is. This game is the same exact Ravaged it was several months ago,Lets not fall for shady marketing tricks, because that is exactly what this is. This game is the same exact Ravaged it was several months ago, only now with some enemy bots and some new maps. How does this give the company the ability to pretend this is a completely new release, or reboot, of the game. Everything that people say about the game in the original Ravaged reviews, still applies to this game.This attempt at a fake reboot, to rename the game and stamp a new release date on it, was an intentionally misleading practice.Instead of including the new content as DLC or a general update, they just decided that since Ravaged was doing badly that they would add a few new maps, stamp a zombie title on the game, and then sell it as a entirely different game to a new demographic: the masses of zombie fans. (Which this game actually still has very little to do with zombies.)That aside, I gave Ravaged originally a 2/10 because despite being a physically attractive game, with beautifully crafted maps and models, it feels like PURE WRONG. Nothing feels right. Mechanics are clunky and combat feels horrific, technical issues plague the game, and the developers spend more time trying to coax forum posters into believing they are working on problems they had not even been aware of than actually working on the game. They took that attractive world they attempted to make and plastered zombie guts on it. Now it has nothing.Look at your "new" game's score, 2Dawn. Worse than before because you tried to mislead gamers. Still think this was a clever idea???

Review by hkdse [user]
20. August 2013

The new zombie mode is better than the original, but still need to improve. The whole game is like a simplified version of dayz, you need toThe new zombie mode is better than the original, but still need to improve. The whole game is like a simplified version of dayz, you need to get some weapons and do the mission. With maximum 5 players in a server, you'll surely have some fun. But the difficulty of the game is ridiculously high, lag compensation is bad, it needs to be fixed.Overall, the game released without any testing, until further improvement, this game is still buggy and imbalanced, but as a zombie game between dayz and left 4 dead, ravaged got its potential.

Review by GTO [user]
19. August 2013

Ok so, I bought this game because it was the low low price of $10 so and it looked fun in the trailer,Oh boy was I wrong, there are no wordsOk so, I bought this game because it was the low low price of $10 so and it looked fun in the trailer,Oh boy was I wrong, there are no words to describe how terrible this game really is, I recommend that you avoid it like the plague.

Releasedatum 19. August 2013
Uitgever 2 Dawn Games, Reverb Triple XP
Spelmodi Multiplayer
Speler Perspectieven Eerste persoon
Genres Shooter
Thema's Actie
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows)