


Ken je iemand die dit spel leuk zou vinden?


Tienes que transportar a la gente en esta zona peligrosa. Cuando veas a alguien con una señal que se cierne sobre él, detente y recógelo. El lugar de destino es visible en tu minimapa. Por cada transporte recibes algo de dinero. Cuando tengas suficiente dinero ve al garaje donde puedes mejorar tu coche con muchas armas.

Quarantine Activering Instructies

Quarantine Beoordelingen

Review by Gaming Nexus
29 de junio de 2017

Quarantine leaves a bit to be desired with only six scenarios and three difficulties as well as its lack of multiplayer, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad game. It’s definitely challenging on the higher difficulties as the viruses start out a little stronger. However, if you’re looking for a good challenge, Quarantine can definitely give it to you, plus the custom scenarios on the Steam Workshop will help keep things fresh…or at least as fresh as they can be with the same gameplay.

Review by Game Rant
25 de mayo de 2017

It’s certainly more finely polished than free alternatives online, and does a decent job of challenging Plague Inc. and Pandemic in the sparse market for strategy disease-based games – though it’s not the greatest cure for boredom out there.

Review by GameGrin
24 de abril de 2017

Overall, a solid and enjoyable game with somewhat a somewhat interesting art style. Which, at the same time, is nothing to scream about. Simple but effective, just what I like. For those who like a challenge or looking to experience a few dozen hours suffering quietly as you watch all your well laid plans come to fruition (before shortly failing), then this is most certainly worth a buy.

Releasedatum 31 de diciembre de 1994
Uitgever Imagexcel, Infini Entertainment Technology, Asmik Ace Entertainment, GameTek, Inc., Mediaquest, Imagineer
Spelmodi Eén speler
Speler Perspectieven Eerste persoon
Genres Shooter, Racing
Thema's Actie, Science fiction
Platforms PlayStation, DOS, Sega Saturn, 3DO Interactive Multiplayer