Medieval: Total War

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Beleef de Middeleeuwen in al hun bloeddorstige pracht. Van de weelderige graslanden van West-Europa tot de dorre woestijnen van Noord-Afrika, van de eerste kruistocht tot de val van Constantinopel, voer diplomatie, handel, spionage en moordaanslagen, verspreid je religie en voer een totale oorlog om je invloed uit te breiden en je heerschappij veilig te stellen terwijl je een dynastiek rijk opbouwt dat zich over vier eeuwen uitstrekt.

Total War is het vervolg op Shogun Total War uit 2000. Net als in Shogun is het spel opgedeeld in twee delen: de turn-based campagnekaart waarin de speler strategische beslissingen moet nemen, legers moet rekruteren en verplaatsen, nederzettingen moet belegeren, zeeslagen moet uitvechten en agenten zoals afgezanten, spionnen en huurmoordenaars moet inzetten om te helpen met diplomatie, allianties of steekpenningen aan te bieden of meer clandestiene acties uit te voeren.

Religie is belangrijk in het spel en of een factie moslim, orthodox of christelijk is, heeft invloed op loyaliteit en publieke trouw - als katholieke natie moet de speler de wensen van de pauselijke staten uitvoeren en zo nodig een heilige oorlog beginnen of anders het risico lopen van excommunicatie. Als de openbare orde en loyaliteit in een bepaalde regio te laag worden, kan er een opstand of burgeroorlog ontstaan. In deze situaties kan de speler besluiten om de kant van de rebellen of de huidige heersers te kiezen om de opstand de kop in te drukken of een tiranniek regime omver te werpen.

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Medieval: Total War Beoordelingen

Review by Vladaimmortal [user]
25 juni 2012

Best game of the series holding its throne together with Rome total war..this "risk" style of moving across the map also has its own charm iBest game of the series holding its throne together with Rome total war..this "risk" style of moving across the map also has its own charm i still play it active after 10 years

Review by Vladaimmortal [user]
25 juni 2012

Best game of the series holding its throne together with Rome total war..this "risk" style of moving across the map also has its own charm iBest game of the series holding its throne together with Rome total war..this "risk" style of moving across the map also has its own charm i still play it active after 10 years

Review by NickR [user]
12 december 2009

Great simulator , very fun. Large scope , wonderful graphics. I have not had any bug problems which seem to have plagued many people. Great simulator , very fun. Large scope , wonderful graphics. I have not had any bug problems which seem to have plagued many people. Multiplayer is amazingly fun. Bullet Physics is awesome. Love that it is not run and gun but slow and deliberate tactics in gun battles.

Review by NickR [user]
12 december 2009

Great simulator , very fun. Large scope , wonderful graphics. I have not had any bug problems which seem to have plagued many people. Great simulator , very fun. Large scope , wonderful graphics. I have not had any bug problems which seem to have plagued many people. Multiplayer is amazingly fun. Bullet Physics is awesome. Love that it is not run and gun but slow and deliberate tactics in gun battles.

Review by TedBundy [user]
20 juli 2009

Though it desperately could use a patch for modern systems, as it crashes on post 8 series of Nvidia cards -- it's still the best Total Though it desperately could use a patch for modern systems, as it crashes on post 8 series of Nvidia cards -- it's still the best Total War game to date. Everything that was released after this became bloated, shined up and streamlined for the graphic whore children of today. The classic game board style, while not offering as many specific placements as the newer games, had a great design and Risk-like charm of its own that's sorely missing with all the newer mediocre games CA keep churning out. The AI was also superior to its sequels in the campaign map and with the XL mod, this game will last you for ages. If you have an older PC or video card, stick with this one.

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Releasedatum 19 augustus 2002
Uitgever The Creative Assembly, Activision
Totale score 86%
Geschatte inhoud T (Teen)
Spelmodi Eén speler, Multiplayer
Speler Perspectieven Vogelperspectief / Isometrisch
Genres Tactisch, Strategie, Turn-based strategie (TBS), Real-time strategie (RTS)
Thema's Historisch, Oorlogsvoering, Fantasie, 4X (verkennen, uitbreiden, exploiteren en uitroeien)
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows)