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What is one small step for a human, is one GiAnt adventure for an Ant....
Join Adam in this fun filled first-person platformer from the indie solo developer at 'Wreck Tangle Games'. Roam vast human sized worlds as a tiny little ant, but this is no Ant Simulator! This is an AntVenture! Adam must find sweet delectables whilst being hunted by all manner of creatures, animals and insects!! Spiders, Fly’s, Rats, Wasps, Cockroaches and even humans will stop at nothing to get rid of the ant infestation! Candy isn’t just lying around either; puzzles fill the worlds blocking you from success! Solve the puzzles whilst avoiding, running from or stopping your enemies!

Releasedatum 2 August 2016
Spelmodi Eén speler
Genres Avontuur, Indie, Simulator
Thema's Actie
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows)