Football Manager 2016

Ken je iemand die dit spel leuk zou vinden?

Football Manager 2016 CD Key, kortweg FM16, is een simulatie video voetbal en management spel dat is uitgegeven door Sega. Sports Interactive is de hoofdontwikkelaar. Dit spel is gemeld om te worden gelanceerd op 13 november 2015 op Linux, OS X en MS Windows Platforms.

In dit spel, zijn spelers voorzien van de mogelijkheid om het uiterlijk van hun veld en manager te laten aanpassen. Twee nieuwe modi worden geïntroduceerd, waaronder Create-A-Club, naar verluidt afkomstig uit de Editor-versie van het spel, en de andere is Fantasy Draft Mode, een modus waarin meerdere spelers kunnen deelnemen aan het opstellen van spelers binnen een vast budget. Spelers hebben de kans om hun eigen club te creëren met stadion, logo's, allemaal met aanpasbare opties.

ProZone Wedstrijdanalyse is ook aanwezig in het spel, om wedstrijdanalyses te bieden. Deze functie is geïntroduceerd door Sports Interactive samen met ProZone. Sommige gebieden waar de verbeteringen zijn aangebracht aan het spel zijn de kunstmatige intelligentie, beweging van karakters in het spel, animatie, wedstrijdregels, financiële module en bestuursaanvragen, om de algehele gebruikerservaring en het spel te verbeteren.

Football Manager 2016 Activering Instructies

Football Manager 2016 Beoordelingen

Review by blackbird1 [user]
13 maart 2016

good. no licensec for most of leages no faces nor eal badges BORING every old EA FM Manager was better!this game is only playable if yougood. no licensec for most of leages no faces nor eal badges BORING every old EA FM Manager was better!this game is only playable if you download 40GB of faces and fanmade badges and you need to update this Regular its a joke

Review by LEVEL (Czech Republic)
16 februari 2016

As usual, it's a great sim of football manager. But this time it differs from previous episodes almost in no respect.

Review by CD-Action
4 februari 2016

Redesigned interface and wealth of various small improvements make Football Manager 2016 much more accessible to newcomers without sacrificing even a bit of its astounding depth.

Review by
26 januari 2016

This year's combination of small improvements and innovations creates an excellent experience, that helps the newcomers join in. The veterans will be on other hand pleased with clarity and overall balance. It’s not a revolution -thankfully- because revolution could cause more harm in the moment.

Review by paranoid77 [user]
20 januari 2016

Since a fan&player of this style games since championship manager 92/93, every new year it advanced we arrived FM 16. But, is this the best?Since a fan&player of this style games since championship manager 92/93, every new year it advanced we arrived FM 16. But, is this the best? Of course no. Since FM14, sigames take control from you and give it to itself. Every new version of the game, your control and given tactics are less and less. Just buy player and put pre defined player roles thats all.When tactical sliders gone, your hands are tied up, you are not free to create your tactic, especially when individual tactics.I think when they made the handheld version and online support for this game, they take too many constant for this game, its easier for them to manage but they couldnt do this well too.Play FM 13or FM14; these are the best. After FM14, they all pre defined tactical game.And; dont think about the graphics and visiuals about this game. İts nonsense. FM is not a PES or FIFA. New generation players dont understand the sprit of the game this game dont need visiuals(stadiums,supportars,weather condition, etc etc). SI try to attract new generation players.To SI; improve the game not visiuals.Finally, there are lots of things to improve the game but they are in the wrong way.Dont buy this, play FM 13&14, you will be very much satisfied.

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Releasedatum 13 november 2015
Uitgever Sports Interactive, Sega Games
Totale score 84%
Geschatte inhoud E (Everyone)
Spelmodi Multiplayer, Eén speler
Speler Perspectieven Vogelperspectief / Isometrisch
Genres Simulator, Sport, Strategie
Platforms Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac