Finding Teddy

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Speciale aanbieding : Koop Finding Teddy en krijg gratis OST !

In het kort
De heropleving van Point'n-Click.
Volledig met de hand gemaakte graphics, pixel voor pixel gerealiseerd.
Een avontuur verdeeld in drie hoofdstukken inclusief tientallen raadsels met meerdere side quests.
Geen dialogen. Raadsels en muziek zijn de hoofdzaak van het spel.
Bonus voor PC/MAC/Linux-versies
Spel in HD. We hebben alle achtergronden opnieuw bewerkt.
Newgame+ : Twee manieren om het spel opnieuw te starten. Met het gekleurde meisje en met een Tarantmasker. Je kunt de vuurvliegjes zien met het masker.
Een bonus scène toegevoegd na de eindes. Zoek uit hoe je het krijgt.
Een alternatief einde in een newgame+ toegevoegd. Wees oplettend tijdens je newgame+, je kan een hint vinden die je vertelt hoe je het kan krijgen.

Een klein meisje sliep vredig met haar teddybeer, toen plotseling een monster uit haar kast tevoorschijn kwam en haar favoriete pluche stal.
Toen ze de deur sloot, werd het meisje wakker en kroop in de kast. Ze werd in een magische wereld geprojecteerd, vol met monsters en rariteiten.
Ze moet nu dit vreemde land verkennen en de bewoners helpen om haar Teddy te redden.

Toch blijft er nog één vraag over: zal ze kunnen terugkeren naar de echte wereld?

Het kleine meisje : Zij is het hoofdpersonage, ze is op zoek naar haar Teddybeer.
Meneer Vlieg : Zeer nuttige vlieg om bij sommige voorwerpen te komen waar het kleine meisje niet kan komen. Zeer hoffelijk.
Mister Cat : Heeft een slecht humeur, maar toch nuttig om op kleine plaatsen en in nauwe galerijen te komen. Je hoeft alleen maar op zijn rug te krabben.


Een klein meisje lag vredig te slapen met haar teddybeer, toen er plotseling een monster uit haar kast tevoorschijn kwam en haar lievelingspluche stal.
Toen ze de deur sloot, werd het meisje wakker en kroop in de kast. Ze werd in een magische wereld geprojecteerd, vol met monsters en rariteiten.
Ze moet nu dit vreemde land verkennen en de bewoners helpen om haar Teddy te redden.

Toch blijft er nog één vraag over: zal ze kunnen terugkeren naar de echte wereld?

Finding Teddy Activering Instructies

Finding Teddy Beoordelingen

Review by smilzoboboz [user]
11 maart 2016

Could be much better/varied.Artwork is nice and the whole adventure is kinda "positive" but after finishing the game I don't feel anythingCould be much better/varied.Artwork is nice and the whole adventure is kinda "positive" but after finishing the game I don't feel anything for the characters at all, for some reason they didn't impress me (even if the actual plot should be at least heartwarming).So, again, could have been much better than this. Also, as a side note, the linux version of this didn't come with fullscreen support, which means A LOT of out window-border clicks leading in de-focus and general pain...

Review by ritardedartkid [user]
16 november 2014

I finished this game a week or two ago and already forgot about it. That should tell you everything you need to know. The concept of usingI finished this game a week or two ago and already forgot about it. That should tell you everything you need to know. The concept of using music as the main source of dialogue was interesting, but in the beginning you can be left wondering what you're supposed to do - looking at you bird feather statue. On a positive note, the hand drawn graphics do look great.

Review by Pannacone [user]
5 september 2014

For the little girl in Finding Teddy, her teddy bear means everything! Finding Teddy is a colorfully pixelated point and click game thatFor the little girl in Finding Teddy, her teddy bear means everything! Finding Teddy is a colorfully pixelated point and click game that places the player in control of a girl whose teddy bear has been stolen by a monster from out of her wardrobe. When she follows after the teddy bear, she is transported to a fantastical world filled with musically-inspired puzzles and several animal companions that can be used to solve riddles and unlock secrets.The majority of Finding Teddy's puzzles can either be solved by gathering and using the correct objects from within the level or by playing a specific melody on an alphabetical musical scale that the player slowly fills out throughout the game. The puzzles are thought-provoking without being aggravating. Often your goal is to find a particular item that will cause a creature that is blocking your path to move out of your way. As you progress further into the game, the little girl will be joined by two helpful sidekicks that will allow the player to reach otherwise inaccessible objects and areas.One of Finding Teddy's most charming features is its naivety; the game never presents you with a problem that must be solved via an act of mean-spirited trickery, but instead offers you sad creatures whose problems you must solve in order to continue. In Finding Teddy, you'll find missing baby spiders, sing "Hello!" to a group of frogs, and retrieve food for globular monsters with gigantic tongues. Finding Teddy is very much a game that embraces the perspective of the little girl that you play.Finding Teddy's high points can be found in its disarmingly childish storyline, its lush and detailed pixelized backgrounds and characters, and its attractively dialogue-free, music-centered gameplay. Perhaps the only downside to this casual point and click game is its short gameplay time and low replay value—most players will finish their first playthrough in under two hours and completionists with quick minds will find themselves completing all of Finding Teddy's achievements in that same time frame.Despite its short gameplay time, Finding Teddy is a brilliant example of quirky point and click games. This game presents you with sympathetic characters, unique puzzles, and a wonderfully vibrant atmosphere, giving it more than enough reason to earn a strong 8/10 as a casual, light-hearted point and click game to play between some of your more intense adventures as a gamer.

Review by JimCorbett [user]
26 juli 2014

A very short Point-and-click with nothing really good about it. It differentiates itself by having no dialogue and presenting the (lackluster)A very short Point-and-click with nothing really good about it. It differentiates itself by having no dialogue and presenting the (lackluster) story through music. You'll go through the game learning new musical notes so you can pass each section and then when you get all the notes you go to the end and that's really it. There's not really anything fun about it, but I didn't find anything really bad about it either. If you're a fan of Adventure games then go ahead and give it a try if it's cheap. Everyone else shouldn't bother.

Review by WearySloth [user]
23 februari 2014

I can't help but love the atmospheric little point-and-clickers that float around. Finding teddy is not a lengthy piece of work, but it is aI can't help but love the atmospheric little point-and-clickers that float around. Finding teddy is not a lengthy piece of work, but it is a good one. The story tells itself and the characters are well done. The mechanics might be a little bit off at times and one shouldn't expect a game to play weeks with, but it should entertain most for several hours.

Releasedatum 8 februari 2013
Uitgever Storybird, LookAtMyGame, Plug In Digital
Spelmodi Eén speler
Genres Avontuur, Indie, Puzzel, Muziek
Thema's Fantasie
Platforms Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, iOS