ENYO Arcade

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Do you enjoy, hard and responsive 2D action games? Can you get lost in a hazardous jungle and return to tell the tale? Then ENYO Arcade invites you deep down into the rabbit hole...WARNING: THIS GAME CAN BE DIFFICULT!

ENYO Arcade resembles a modern 2D parkour shooter game. The game is notable for its depth in atmosphere and merciless fast action. Fight or avoid various enemy types and find your way to the exit. Inspired by popular 2D action games from the 90'ties mashed with modern day platform agility and speed.

ENYO Arcade Activering Instructies

Releasedatum 1 October 2015
Uitgever James Mearman
Spelmodi Eén speler
Genres Indie
Thema's Actie
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows)