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Um jogo cyberpunk de magnata da publicidade. Explore uma enorme cidade processual e espalhe seus anúncios por toda ela. Flutue pelo ciberespaço e publique links on-line. Veja a economia da cidade evoluir com os efeitos de suas decisões.

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Review by Twinfinite
5 de julho de 2015

While it’s nice to see something that’s taking a new angle on the style, I just couldn’t find my way into it well enough to really enjoy it for what it was — and at the end of the day, a game that I’m not able to have fun with isn’t one that I’m going to keep playing until I get it right.

Releasedatum 17 de abril de 2015
Uitgever VoxelStorm
Spelmodi Eén speler
Speler Perspectieven Virtuele Realiteit
Genres Indie, Simulator, Strategie
Platforms Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac