Brain Voyage

Ken je iemand die dit spel leuk zou vinden?


Brain Voyage features the famous German board game designer Dr. Reiner Knizia. He guides the player on a world tour through 13 different cities and explains how every puzzle works.


There are five variants for each of the 16 puzzles. These include clones of Memory or Minesweeper as well as a poker/solitaire hybrid in which the player's dealt cards and then he must try to place them in a grid to make the best hands. Depending on his score the player then gets rewarded a bronze, silver or gold medal and some coins which can then be spend for access to new cities (and therefore new puzzles) or purchasing new difficulty levels for any already unlocked puzzle.

Releasedatum May 6, 2008
Uitgever Eidos, Inc.
Geschatte inhoud 3
Spelmodi Eén speler
Genres Simulator
Thema's Actie, Onderwijs
Platforms Nintendo DS