Patrician IV


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Patrician IV is het vervolg op de historische handelssimulatie en strategiereeks. Je bent een koopman in Noord-Europa in de late Middeleeuwen toen de Hanze bloeide. Je doel is om op te klimmen tot het meest succesvolle en invloedrijke lid van de Hanze en uiteindelijk gekozen te worden tot Elderman, leider van de handelsliga. Je begint te onderhandelen met gemeenschappelijke goederen, bouwt je eigen productie op en richt een handelsvloot op. Later krijg je steeds meer politieke invloed en sticht je zelfs nieuwe steden.
Het leven van een Hansekoopman kan echter ook zijn duistere kanten hebben. Op je weg naar de macht moet je standhouden tegen felle rivalen, die je moet bestrijden met economische concurrentie, prijsoorlogen of onzuivere middelen zoals sabotage. Ga je zelfs over tot piraterij?

Patrician IV Activering Instructies

Patrician IV Beoordelingen

Review by Pookiebot [user]
25 november 2011

Patrician IV is a great game in terms of a market simulator. You start out with a ship and slowly build your trade empire. Developing citiesPatrician IV is a great game in terms of a market simulator. You start out with a ship and slowly build your trade empire. Developing cities as you establish more trade with each. The real challenge comes when trying to control the entire region with the ever grown terror of pirates. Overall if you need an economics challenge then you'll get some few days of game play out of this title, if that's not what you're into avoid it.

Review by Bigmageusa [user]
27 mei 2011

The game has some wonderful graphics, but ends up plagued with gameplay trouble. The fact that a large map of the north of Europe tends to beThe game has some wonderful graphics, but ends up plagued with gameplay trouble. The fact that a large map of the north of Europe tends to be the screen you are on a majority of the time means that much of the impressive detail is lost. The gameplay itself often forcing you to click through different screens to accomplish simple selections, making what could be a simple and enjoyable game much more taxing to play. The main gameplay mechanic of trading goods to earn a profit (with the option of making them) sounds interesting in concept, but quickly becomes a continual grind. The overcomplicated development of "trade routes" to have ships automatically trade is rife with problems and only serves to have the game play itself (with the actual player only creating the occasional ship or claiming the occasional port). This game is probably best for those who are looking for an easy spreadsheet-style game.

Review by Ersnt [user]
20 april 2011

I fine this game to be a lot of fun, once you find out how to play it. The biggest problem with this game is the lack of a tutorial; However,I fine this game to be a lot of fun, once you find out how to play it. The biggest problem with this game is the lack of a tutorial; However, if you mash the buttons and find out what does what, and read off of the patrician IV forums you will learn how the game works. I know that is a lot of extra work there but you can have a lot of fun playing this game as well.

Review by SpazioGames
20 januari 2011

A game dedicated to pure strategy fans. There's a lack of options and multiplayer modes though, and some more polish could've done good to the whole experience.

Review by GameShark
10 januari 2011

In every game, I reach a point where I start to wonder why I am still playing. I literally have more money than I know what to do with. With a successfully, healthy business, it certainly feels like the main goal has been achieved. But ultimately, Patrician is less about money than it is about the convergence of wealth, power, and influence.

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Releasedatum 1 september 2010
Uitgever Gaming Minds Studios, Kalypso Media
Geschatte inhoud E (Everyone)
Spelmodi Eén speler, Multiplayer
Speler Perspectieven Vogelperspectief / Isometrisch
Genres Simulator, Strategie
Thema's Historisch, Business
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows)